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Tiles can make or break a bathroom design: they incorporate plenty of color, texture and personality into any space, and tiles are perfect for bathrooms because of their resistance to moisture and their easy cleanup. Tiles are commonly used in vintage style bathrooms for the retro vibe that they contribute to a space, but can also be incorporated into more contemporary styles as well. If you plan on adding tiles into your bathroom, it’s very important to choose tiles that work with the rest of the room’s design and satisfy your personal style preferences. Check out these tips that will help you narrow down your decision and find the right tile for your space:
Have a budget
Before you make any decisions regarding your bathroom tile, know how much you can spend. This will help you narrow down materials and how much you can use in each area of the bathroom.
Know where the tile will go
Are you wanting tile floors? A sink backsplash? Or tile trim along the bottom of the floor? Knowing where you want this tile to go will help you know what color and design to choose. For example, a wall backsplash is likely to be much more ornate, detailed and colored than flooring tile. Backsplashes are also commonly made of glass, which you certainly wouldn’t use on your floors.
Choose a material
You’re not going to want to use the same material on wall tile as you would on flooring. Ceramic tiles are best for countertops and bathroom walls that are consistently in high-humidity environments. They’re also super easy to clean. For the floors, however, porcelain may be best. This material is scratch-resistant, which makes it perfect for high-traffic areas like the bathroom.
Take size into consideration
While smaller tiles can create a gorgeous display of color and texture, they’re going to be much harder to clean than larger tiles due to the amount of grout being used. Therefore, very small tiles probably wouldn’t work best for flooring and would be better suited for a backsplash in the shower or behind the sink. And for the floors, opt for larger tiles.
Think about color
There are a lot of factors that must be brought to mind when picking out the color of your bathroom tile. First, you must consider the size of your bathroom. Dark hues work best in large bathrooms, while you’ll want to stick with lighter tones for small spaces, which will help open up the area.