Kingston Brass offers a quality selection of high water pressure shower heads designed to improve the flow of water during use. Shop today to find the perfect finish and design for any home.
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Kingston Brass carries a quality selection of shower heads and a large selection of numerous designs and styles for every budget and wish list. Their catalog makes it easy to find all the bathroom-related fixtures one could need.
When choosing a shower head, it is important to consider how it will affect the water pressure experienced during a shower. The following will explore what a high water pressure shower head is and how this can combat low water pressure.
The first thing to understand is there are no products designed to lower the water pressure during a shower. The phrase “low water pressure shower head” is often used interchangeably to refer to a high water pressure shower head, which is useful for increasing water pressure.
In most cases, this confusion arises due to the use of the shower head. Fortunately, for homeowners who struggle with low water pressure, a high-pressure shower head can help to improve the water flow during use. For this reason, both phrases are used to describe a shower head designed to increase water pressure.
A high-pressure shower head works by restricting the flow of water and then optimizing its output. This is often done through the use of smaller shower head holes, which increase the pressure of the spray.
Each high-pressure shower head might operate a little differently, but the end goal is the same — increase the pressure experienced when the shower is turned on.
High water pressure shower heads are good at solving low water pressure; however, they are not meant to be a fix for an actual plumbing issue. For example, if water pressure recently decreased, it could be due to an underlying problem, such as a leak. In this case, changing the shower head will not solve the root of the issue.
For homes where water pressure is naturally low, a high-pressure
shower head can be the ideal fix. It is important to determine why the water pressure is low before deciding on the right solution.
Kingston Brass offers a quality selection of high water pressure shower heads designed to improve the flow of water during use. Shop today to find the perfect finish and design for any home.