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A typical bathroom will feature a single shower, a lone tub, or some combination of both. In most cases, the existing setup is a perfect fit for the bathroom space, but there are some instances where a shower and/or tub conversion might work best.
For instance, a homeowner may be looking to create more space in a cramped bathroom by removing a tub and converting it to a single shower. Another scenario would be a homeowner with ample room wanting to create a combination shower and tub.
Regardless of the need, understanding how installations and conversions work is key for any homeowner who plans to convert their shower into a tub, transform their tub into a shower, or install a combination of both.
The following guide will answer important questions, such as:
- How do you convert a shower/tub combination into a shower only?
- How do you convert a shower/tub combination into a tub only?
- How do you add a shower arm, shower head, or tub filler to a bathtub setup?
The result is that anyone can feel prepared to convert their existing bathroom into the space of their dreams.
Converting a Shower/Tub Combination to Shower Only
When it comes to modern bathroom designs, most home builds will include a shower and tub hybrid in the bathing area. Despite its popularity, homeowners may prefer to convert the shower/tub combo into a standalone shower. Reasons for doing so might include freeing up space, creating a minimalistic style, or simply getting rid of an unused fixture.
Going from a shower/tub setup to a shower-only space requires converting the plumbing so that it no longer features a bathtub spout. Because the tub section will be removed, only the shower head is needed.
The good news is that with a shower/tub combination, the shower head is already in place. This saves a lot of steps in the conversion process, as no extra fixtures need to be added to the plumbing.
Simply remove the bathtub spout and add a cap to the pipe located under the diverter.
Converting a Shower/Tub Combination to Tub Only
For homes with a shower/tub combination, another alternative is to convert the combination into a tub only. Homeowners might opt to do this when they add a freestanding or clawfoot tub to their home. Removing the shower makes the tub the focal point of the room, which can be perfect in both modern, minimalistic designs or vintage, Victorian-style bathrooms.
The great part about converting a combination into a tub only is that the tub components are already in place. This makes the conversion process straightforward and hassle-free.
To convert a shower/tub combination into a tub only, simply remove the shower components.
Next, cap off the shower pipe located on the existing diverter.
Adding a Shower Arm, Shower Head, or Tub Filler
Another common conversion for homeowners is the addition of a shower arm, new shower head, or tub filler to an existing shower or tub combination. Adding these fixtures can help upgrade a bathroom without the need for a major renovation. Additionally, these fixtures offer improved convenience, making a shower or bathtub more enjoyable to use.
To add a shower arm, head, or tub filler, the process for installation will depend on the existing setup.
In many cases, if a diverter is already in place with ample inputs and outputs, homeowners can remove the cap on the diverter valve and attach the new fixture.
When faced with swapping one shower head for another, homeowners only need to remove the old fixture and attach the new one.
In other situations, when adding a hand shower and rain shower head combination, homeowners will need to install a three-way diverter if the setup does not already feature one. These diverters make it possible to control the water flow, allowing homeowners to either run the rain shower head only or the hand shower only. Additionally, the three-way diverter is responsible for mixing the hot and cold water, creating a comfortable water temperature when in use.
Note: When designing a hand shower and rain shower head combination setup, homeowners will need to purchase both fixtures separately.
Another option for attaching a hand shower to an existing shower is to install a shower arm diverter, which does not require homeowners to open up the wall. This is a shower combination style, in which the hand-held shower and shower head both use the same water supply from the wall. Which shower head has water flow is controlled through an exterior diverter, rather than through a diverter located inside the wall.
Other Frequently Asked Questions About Shower and Tub Conversions
For homeowners who still have questions about shower and tub conversions, the following frequently asked questions and answers can help make the installation process go smoothly.
What tools do I need for a shower and tub conversion?
Common tools used during a shower and tub conversion include the following:
- Adjustable wrench
- Soft jaw pliers
- Teflon tape (also called thread-sealing tape)
It is a good idea to consult a product’s installation guide to see if any other tools are required.
Do I need to purchase a rough-in valve separate from the purchase of a shower faucet?
In most cases, rough-in valves are included with shower faucets unless the product states it is equipped with trim only. Always double-check what parts are included when purchasing a shower setup to make sure everything necessary has been purchased prior to installation.
Can I convert my shower to a tub?
For the most part, it should be quite easy to convert a shower into a tub. However, homeowners will need to consider the available space prior to installing a bathtub.
Shop Kingston Brass for Shower/Tub Conversions
For the homeowner interested in converting their bathtub into a stand-alone shower or their shower into a bathtub/shower combination, Kingston Brass offers the quality inventory of products needed to get the job done.
Shop a premium selection of all of the following:
Kingston Brass carries numerous styles and designs of bathroom fixtures, as well as a variety of finishes. Homeowners can choose from polished chrome, brushed nickel, oil-rubbed bronze, matte black, antique copper, and more when designing a new shower/tub combination.
Additionally, Kingston Brass offers premium products at prices any homeowner will love. Whether looking to swap out a shower head or considering a complete bathroom remodel, there is something to match any homeowner’s style in the Kingston Brass online catalog.