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Product: Aqua Vintage Deck Mount Claw Foot Tub Faucet with Hand Shower
Product Number: AE658T1
Category: Tub Faucets
Sub-Category: Wall-Mount Claw Foot Tub Faucets
Water Flow Rate:
Have you ever been curious as to how royalty lives? With the spotlight back on the Royal Family with a recent marriage, you can’t help but be curious as to what goes on inside that castle. Is there anything inside that is simply ordinary? How different are the daily routines of each Royal compared to the menial lives of everyone else? What is it like to bathe in a royal bathtub? Is there a royal sink for the dishes? How royal are the toilets?
Although nearly impossible to attain the exact same toilet that the Queen herself sits upon, Kingston Brass’ state-of-the-art bathroom and kitchen products can make you feel like royalty as well. As a result of elaborate analysis and the incorporation of breakthrough technology, Kingston Brass has brilliantly designed and released several breathtaking collections that which can transform your home into whatever aesthetic you desire, such as a castle. Specifically, one of the latest developments is the exquisite Aqua Vintage Collection featuring gorgeous, royal bathroom and lavatory fixtures that can make you feel like you are stepping into the Royal Highness’s shoes.
Anyone can take a bath, but not everyone can take a bath meant for royalty. Kingston Brass’ AE658T1 Deck Mount Claw foot Tub Faucet with a Hand Shower is the perfect complement to any of our stunning tubs. Thanks to Kingston Brass, anyone can recreate what they perceive a royal bath to be in your own home. Featuring double cross handle levers, shining polished chrome finish, and porcelain detail, this faucet will fabricate a serene ambiance as its polished glimmer serves as the focal point of the bathroom. Additionally providing unmatched water flow, this faucet is superior in all aspects. Light a perfumed candle, dim the lights, and soak in absolute tranquility with the help of the AE658T1.