Kingston Brass has all the wall mount tub faucets to fit modern bathrooms. Shop our selection to find just the right tub faucet for any style and layout.
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Wall mount faucets and tub fillers are a natural fit for alcove tubs since flush is already against at least one wall. However, they can also work equally well for freestanding tubs as long as the tub is near a wall and the faucet neck reaches out over any gap.
For a thoroughly modern look in the bathroom, take care when choosing a finish for the faucet and other fixtures. Matte black is an excellent choice because it pairs well with other colors while having a neutral look that can range from contemporary to ultra-modern. Polished chrome is another classic option that always looks on-trend.
Aside from the finish, the shape and decorative details of the tub faucet will largely determine how modern or traditional it looks. A square or rectangular neck is a great choice to keep the wall-mounted fixture looking as contemporary as possible. Lever and cross handles are also a good choice, along with abstract tap handles that give the faucet set some artistic flair.
To increase the functionality of the wall-mounted tub faucet, look for a model that includes a matching hand shower. Hand shower sets allow you to rinse off when you’re relaxing in the tub or quickly clean the shower stall. Many wall mount tub faucets include them as a standard or optional feature, so it’s better to add one from the beginning than to try to find a matching addition later.
Kingston Brass has all the wall mount tub faucets to fit modern bathrooms. Shop our selection to find just the right tub faucet for any style and layout.