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What’s Damaging my Faucet’s Finish?

What’s Damaging my Faucet’s Finish?


Featured Image – @hoosier_hound_home – SKU: KB1600AX Installing a beautiful faucet with the right finish can put the finishing touches on a bathroom and make it look perfect. But what if that finish starts developing scratches, discoloration, or other forms of damage within just a few months of installation? Understanding what can potentially damage a faucet’s finish is the key to preventing the problems in the first place.

Cleaning Products

Acidic cleaning products are known for triggering loosening or discoloration of faucet finishes. Even homemade mixtures involving lemon juice or vinegar are bad for the finish of any faucet that’s not simply polished stainless steel. Chrome, matte colors, and bronze all react badly to most cleaning products, even though designed for tub and sink use. Stick to warm water and dish soap only to clean the finish without risking damage to it.

Hard Water

Dissolved minerals in the house water supply do more than just make it hard to get suds when washing up. The minerals left behind after droplets of water dry on the faucet tend to form white deposits that are hard to remove. Trying to scrub the white spots off or remove them with mineral dissolving chemicals will only damage the finish even more. Wiping down the faucet daily is the key to ensuring hard water can’t stand on the surface long enough to dry while leaving minerals behind. Use a microfiber or any other soft, absorbent material to ensure a dry surface.

Abrasive Materials

Even nylon-bristled brushes and plastic scrub pads are far too abrasive for most faucet finishes. Only the softest sponges and microfiber cloths should be used for cleaning or drying faucets. Of course, cleaning chemicals with abrasive ingredients shouldn’t be used either. Even handling the taps while wearing rings or other jewelry can eventually leave visible marks.

Lack of Space

Are the taps a little too close to other sink features? Does the neck of the faucet bump into the wall or overhanging cabinets when it’s moved? Anywhere the faucet can make contact with another material or fixture can result in damage over time. Many homeowners assume they can avoid bumping a faucet into something it’s placed too close to, only to find guests or family members accidentally cause the damage when they’re not watching.

Shop Kingston Brass

Once a faucet’s finish is visibly damaged, it is difficult to fix. Find a replacement bathroom or kitchen faucet here at Kingston Brass and ensure the finish stays perfect from the beginning. Care with placement and cleaning will go a long way in helping a faucet look good for a decade or longer.

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