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An easy way to update the look of your kitchen at a very low cost is to give it a thorough deep clean. Even the cleanest kitchens sparkle anew after every surface, appliance and fixture is meticulously washed. If you aren’t sure exactly what should be covered during a kitchen deep clean, here’s a guide to get you started:
Pantry and cabinets
The first step toward cleaning your kitchen is getting rid of anything in the pantry, cabinets or on the counters that you no longer need. Clear your fridge and pantry of all expired items, and see if you can donate some canned and boxed goods you don’t use to a local food pantry. Then begin the real cleansing. Start by wiping down the pantry and cabinet shelves, one at a time, using a mixture of warm water and a little bit of white vinegar, or an all-purpose kitchen cleaner. Then wipe down the cabinet doors from top to bottom, front and back.
Here’s how to clean each kitchen appliance:
To clean your kitchen sink, make sure all dishes are washed and put away, then spray it with kitchen cleaner or your water and vinegar solution, and let it soak in. For stainless steel kitchen sinks, you can find a stainless steel cleaner at the store that will cleanse and polish the surface. Wipe the sink and all faucet parts with a microfiber towel or soft washcloth that won’t scratch the surfaces.
When everything else is cleaned, tackle the countertop and floor. Spray cleaner onto the counter, let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe clean. Use a cloth soaked with warm water and concentrated white vinegar on any surface stains that don’t come out right away. Sweep the floor meticulously, then mop it with whichever floor or wood cleaner works best for your type of flooring.
A kitchen deep clean is perfect for before holiday dinners or other big events you’re having to make your space look brand new.