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When we think of a laundry room, we think of it as bleak that often goes unnoticed. We tend to pay less attention to them when it comes to decorate or enhance its beauty with accessories. But redecorating is a lot easier and more creative than it sounds. Jessica Nelson Design (@jessicanelsondesign) elegantly demonstrates it in the photo above. She put up a couple of wall mounted shelves with decorations to make the room feel homey. Since laundry rooms often have limited space, the cabinets are nicely compacted in the corner of the room. The vibrant white cabinets with the wooded counter goes well with the the wall mounted sink. Again, the laundry sink fits nicely in this snug laundry room. But the grand event that puts everything together is the wall mounted faucet.
The exquisite design of this faucet has the elegant architecture of traditional or farmhouse homes with its lavish detailing. The fact that it is a wall mounted faucet, it gives your laundry room more space to hand wash clothes in the wall mounted sink. Additionally, the polished brass finish will turn your bleak laundry room, to glisten it.